10 practices for companies to comply with PDPA

Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (PDPA) will be fully enforced in June 1, 2022 after 1 year postponement. General people as the owners of the data or as the business operators who want to use the data should understand well each provision of this law in order to prevent infringement of rights and […]

What is a Chatbot?
Benefits and how to apply in businesses

What is a chatbot?  A chatbot is a computer program or an AI based program built to simulate a conversation with a user in real time through text or speech. It uses an artificial intelligent (AI) developed to respond the conversation automatically via messaging applications as if it is responded by a human. It is […]

Changes affecting digital marketing on Facebook platform
and new strategies in 2022

At the end of last year, Facebook not only announced to change the company name to Meta, but other changes were also announced. Let’s take a look at what’s affecting digital marketing on Facebook that online marketers need to understand and adapt their marketing strategies. Termination of third-party cookies in 2022 and changes of Privacy […]

Issue Tracking in Software Testing

Issue tracking is a part of software testing life cycle. Many testers might encounter problems in tracking issue due to some factors such as tools, restrictions of the company. Some companies are using Microsoft Excel to record the issues but the problem is we cannot track the issues in real time. Sometimes it also causes […]

“RESTO” a contactless restaurant POS system
Recommended solution to fight against COVID-19
for dine-in restaurants

In 2021, dining-in services were restricted in Bangkok and other high-risk provinces in Thailand as a part of measures against COVID-19 infection. Although the restrictions were eased from Sept 1, it is necessary to continue taking infection control measures in the future due to the outbreak of new COVID-19 variant that occurs continuously. An environment […]

Quantum Computer Technology

Currently, CPU development technology has almost reached a dead end. The transistor size is 7 nanometers, and it is almost impossible to develop smaller transistors. The way to develop a new generation of computers is to use a new field of science including the quantum computer. Quantum technology is related to very small particles that […]

Wireframe tools for website and application designer

What is a wireframe?                A wireframe is a diagram, structure, overview, blueprint, arrangement of user interface elements. It is also known as a mockup. The purpose of wireframing is to help system designers, programmers and users to communicate about the structure of the system and understand the same overview. Users can leave comments, ask for […]

DNA Storage Technology

Many people may know various forms of data storage used for storing digital data. The data storage has evolved continuously over the years since it was CDs, flash drives, hard disks, and now it becomes popular to store data on Cloud storage. Nowadays, since people use the Internet widely, the amount of data including pictures, […]

“RESTO” a contactless restaurant POS system
First introduced in “DigiTech ASEAN Thailand 2021”
an online business event

iCONEXT is an exhibitor in “DigiTech ASEAN Thailand 2021”, a digital technology online event on 24-26 November 2021. This year is the 2nd time of iCONEXT as the exhibitor. In the last year there were more than 100 companies visited our virtual booth. Event overview ■ Date-Time: 24-26 Nov 2021, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. […]

Internal Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
Supporting your new normal office work

Internal systems are indispensable for office work. However, there are many companies using each internal system separately such as time attendance system, daily task recording, leave management system, meeting room booking system, company car booking system, etc. In today’s world where remote work becomes common, if you have a centralized system providing these functions, you […]
