Nowadays, if you are looking for a financial institution to apply for a loan, just thinking about it makes you tired, doesn’t it? This is because you have to spend time preparing many documents, submitting them to various financial institutions, and wait for the results for several days. However, there’s a word that makes this […]
Many people may be familiar with the movie Minority Report. The film tells the story of a technology that predicts the future to prevent crimes before they happen. In the real world, similar technology has already emerged in South Korea through an AI system called Dejaview. This system was developed to predict and prevent crimes […]
Today, consumers have a wide variety of product needs. This has led to the establishment of various businesses to support those demands. It includes similar types of businesses, different entrepreneurs, the same area, different areas, within the same country, or even across different countries. When businesses share similarities and pursue the same goal, competition inevitably […]
Project management tools are software that help you efficiently manage various projects within your team or organization. This includes tasks from planning and progress tracking to monitoring the overall workflow. This enables smooth operations and helps you achieve your goals as planned. As a result, project management tools have become indispensable in modern organizations. Why […]
In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a significant role in every aspect of human life, from information retrieval to advanced applications. However, it also brings major challenges in managing the soaring demands for energy and resources. This is particularly evident in data centers, which are key components in processing large AI systems like […]
Imagine you’re shopping online, and the website you’re visiting suggests products that match your interests. You might wonder what these systems are and how they work. It is a recommendation system, a tool that helps you more easily find products that meet your needs. In this article, we will introduce the recommendation system in depth […]
Employees are the most important resource in supporting an organization’s progress. Providing an environment where employees can perform their tasks smoothly is a key factor in promoting satisfaction and ensuring that talented employees continue to contribute to the organization in the long term. In this article, we introduce “EZHR,” an employee data management system developed […]
In the past several years, quantum computers have become a highly discussed and popular topic in the technology industry. This is due to their potential and efficiency in transforming how we compute and solve increasingly complex problems. At the same time, people have high expectations for this technology. The development of quantum computers has faced […]
As you know, OCR technology is a tool that converts text from printed or handwritten documents and images into a machine-readable format. However, it still has limitations when reading text from documents with diverse formats. The more varied the document formats, the more time and cost it takes to develop. Currently, the growing role of […]
These days online shopping is no longer just about clicking to purchase products. Especially in the fashion industry, the combination of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and recommendation systems is transforming the shopping experience into something more personalized and exciting. Fashion e-commerce businesses that use AI and recommendation system are likely to grow rapidly, […]