Neurotech and business opportunity

This article is summarized from The Standard Podcast, Neurotech EP1: 84 billion brain cells, business opportunity | Executive Espresso EP.363 The interview in this episode was conducted by Ken Nakarin Wanakijpaibul. The guests are as follows: What is Neuroscience? Why you need to know? Neuroscience is the study of how the nervous system develops and […]

What is Hyperautomation?
Why is it an interesting technology trend?

Hyperautomation refers to an approach of using advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate tasks performed by humans as much as possible. This also means the level of automation. It is said that Hyperautomation is an important step in moving towards Digital Transformation for organizations […]

What is a Chatbot?
Benefits and how to apply in businesses

What is a chatbot?  A chatbot is a computer program or an AI based program built to simulate a conversation with a user in real time through text or speech. It uses an artificial intelligent (AI) developed to respond the conversation automatically via messaging applications as if it is responded by a human. It is […]

Changes affecting digital marketing on Facebook platform
and new strategies in 2022

At the end of last year, Facebook not only announced to change the company name to Meta, but other changes were also announced. Let’s take a look at what’s affecting digital marketing on Facebook that online marketers need to understand and adapt their marketing strategies. Termination of third-party cookies in 2022 and changes of Privacy […]

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Training Course “Basic Knowledge of Machine Learning”
and Workshop by iCONEXT

Businesses using AI technology need experts who can support the business development. Nowadays, companies all over the world are increasingly using AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology. Machine Learning, which is like the brain of AI, will automatically learn data patterns with various algorithms and apply the result in various businesses. For example, financial institution can use […]

[Machine Learning] It’s time to use AI for data analysis

“Data is the new oil” Data is the most important key for each enterprise to defeat other companies in the same business. iCONEXT understands rapid changes in today’s business environment, so we would like to introduce “DAVinCI LABS”, an automated machine learning tool to help you meet your customers’ business needs. This article is an interview […]

Machine learning in businesses

In our daily life, you may often hear the word “AI” (Artificial Intelligence) and think of a robot that has a capability of work like a human. AI can make machines work like humans but it needs science called “Machine Learning” which means data analytics of big data to find patterns and characteristics of the […]
