IT System Consulting Services

If we respect and follow only the opinion of company executive and build the system, that system could be ill-suited for users and cannot be used by users. Also if we accept only the opinion of users, there is a danger that system has security problem and operational issue.
We consider what system is best suited for the customer from each different position’s point of view and propose best solution which creates win-win situation for all.

Tailor-Made System Development Services
As for a complicated business system which is difficult to adapt any commercial available package, we can develop full tailor-made system from zero by following our customer’s requirements. We contribute to hold a competitive advantage by differentiating from other companies.

Example of tailor-made solution

Development Experience
We build the best system by Tailor-Made Solution

Inventory Control
- Inventory Management
- On-line System
- Barcode Control
- FIFO Control
Production Control
- Issue Material
- Work Result Management
- Process Monitoring
- Quality Control

Production Planning
- Material Requirement Planning
- Capacity Requirements Planning
- Advanced Scheduling
Purchase Order
- Purchase Request
- Approving work flow
- Issue Purchase Order
- PO Tracking

Sales Order
- Sales Order and Invoice Management
- Contract Management
- Sales Analytic Report
- Selling price control
Financial Business
- Credit Scoring
- Billing System
- Member Service System

IT Outsourcing Services

We fulfill your requirements both on-site and off-site regardless of long term of contract. Moreover, we can also support overtime such as in the early morning or late at night, and on weekend/public holiday.
Machine Learning Solution

Data Analysis & Management Services

Nowadays, digital transformation plays an important role in building a business competition. “Data” is one of the factors influencing organizations to be transformed into the Digital Transformation Age. Many organizations are trying hard to become the data-driven organization. This is because only the “Experience” is not enough to follow the market needs in time anymore. Customers’ behavior and needs always change, so it will be advantage if you have some tools to analyze such data and respond to those changes immediately.
Business Intelligence (BI) tools are types of application software designed to visualize data such as perspectives of sales forecast for management by collecting, storing, analyzing, and reporting the related data. It is useful for management decision making. Target data of BI includes data warehouse and data mart built by ETL (Extract, Transform and Load).
We are expert in the following data management services.

1 ) Data Analysis – We provide data analysis service according to the customers’ business requirements.
2 ) Data Extraction – We provide a service to extract the external data and import them to your system quickly and accurately.
3 ) Data Cleansing – Our expert team can help you to check, revise and delete the incorrect or abnormal data in your dataset.
4 ) Data Transformation – We provide data conversion service to convert the data in various formats to be a suitable format.
5 ) Data Loading – We provide consulting services regarding data copying and loading from a source file or folder to the Database, Data Warehouse or Data Lake.
6 ) Data Migration – We support data migration from the old system to the new system accurately.
7 ) Data Visualization – We are expert in creating both static report and dynamic report by using BI tools.
8 ) Data Security – We support you to set the data access right to protect your data from unauthorized access.
9 ) Data Prediction – We can help you to predict your big data by using Auto Machine Learning.
IoT Solutions

IoT Solutions
Example of our system development utilizing IoT solutions
1.Visualization of product storage location
We developed a system to check storage location using handheld devices to scan QR code of the product on a picking list and send the scanned data to the server via Wi-Fi (Wireless Network). Then the system will search for the storage location and automatically turns on a signal light at the location of the target product. Workers can save time to look for the product because they immediately see the signal light where the product has been kept. Moreover it can prevent an operation mistake when picking the product, so work efficiency also increases.

System Features
1) The signal light is turned on/off by scanning the QR code
Workers can pick up the product without mistake because the storage location can be seen clearly.
2) The signal light can be set up via Wi-Fi
Without LAN cabling, the working area looks nice and tidy and it is also easy for maintenance.
2.Visualization of loading status
We developed a logistics management system to visualize the status when loading products into a truck. In this system, we set up LED signal tower lights of Patlite to monitor the progress of product loading status. If the wrong product is loaded, the system will promptly send a trigger to the LED signal tower lights and the red signal light will turn on. This can help both workers in working area and supervisors in the office to see the same status at the same time, so it leads to problem solving at once.

System Features
1) Product loading status is displayed in real time by Patlite’s LED signal tower lights. Workers and supervisors know the working status all the time.
2) Work progress is displayed. Workers and supervisors can see work progress all the time.
3) Red light and alert sound will be turned on when any problem occurs. Red light and alert sound will be activated when the worker loads the wrong product into the truck. Consequently, both workers and supervisors know the same status and they can investigate and solve the problem instantly.
AS/400 Services


Due to current globalization of business, you may encounter a language barrier which causes misunderstandings or conflicts between each party when you are trying to present your proposal, gather technical requirement, or discuss a problem. Our interpreters can support you to make mutual understanding, so you will have an effective and smooth communication to accomplish your goals.
Our translators’ certificate:
- Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N1 and N2
- Business Japanese Proficiency Test: J1+ and J2
- TOEIC test score: 800 up
With more than 10 years of experience in translation and interpretation, we are expert especially in IT, manufacturing industry, retail business, financial business, etc.