System testing is becoming very important in software quality improvement process and the indispensable team in system testing is the Software Quality Assurance as known as Software Tester. This team is also a part of Software Development Life Cycle.
The system testing process is classified into many methods such as manual testing, automated testing. Today I would like to explain about the automated testing. There are many automated testing tools in the market currently. Samples of the popular tools are UFT, Robot Framework and Katalon Studio.
Comparison of Automated Testing Tools
From the above comparison table, you will find that each tool has different advantages. Thus you should select the tool which is suitable for your project and your organization. Here I want to share some knowledge about Katalon Studio for those who are interested in the automated testing tools.
Katalon Studio
Katalon is automated testing software for testing Windows Desktop, Web applications, Mobile applications, API/Web Services. Moreover, it can also be used for cross-platform testing.
Support cross-platform testing
Katalon is an automated testing tool with Record and Playback feature. It facilitates the test automation as the concept “Test automation is very simple even though you are not skillful in programming or you don’t have programming knowledge at all.”
With Page Object Model in Katalon, you can create test cases separated from the element of each page, so if necessary, you can edit the test cases or the elements independently.
From the above-mentioned content, you’ll find that using automated testing tools help testers to accurately and quickly create test scenarios of business workflow. You can reduce time in software testing, enhance the stability of your software, and get reliability from the repeatable results. That’s why test automation plays an increasingly important role in software testing process.
iCONEXT Co., Ltd. gives precedence to system testing in order to deliver a highly qualified software that satisfies our customers. We, therefore, use the automated testing tools in many projects by following our experts’ suggestions. And we found that using automated testing tools can save time in system testing, the testers have more time to test other cases that automated testing cannot do. This finally brings about the accuracy of the system.
If you are looking for a software testing service, please feel free to contact us at